
What to pack for your trip

Because we have less seats, you get to check 2 pieces of  luggage and 1 standard size carry on free of charge.

Carry On
1st & 2nd Checked Bag
3rd – 10th Checked Bag
$25 each
Strollers/Car Seats
Extra Weight (over 50 lbs)
$1 per pound

The carry-on must be small enough to fit in the overhead compartment* or under the seat. The two pieces of check-in luggage must each weigh no more than 50 pounds, with $1 assessed for each additional pound. A $25 fee will be charged for the 3rd piece of checked-in luggage and any additional ones.

We don’t charge for bringing a stroller or car seat on board. You can bring a stroller in addition to your maximum checked baggage allowance, and a car seat in addition to your carry-on baggage.

Please note that bicycles, and skis and ski poles must be packed inside a canvas bag or another means of compact storage.

Towing equipment, which is limited to 100 pounds, must be enclosed in a rigid container or wrapped in a strong material such as canvas that is strapped or tied to make it compact. Additional charges will be assessed if the weight exceeds 100 pounds.

Please remember to clearly identify each piece of luggage with your name, email and phone number. Add your name inside your bag just in case the tag breaks off. If you have a connecting trip, please note that you are responsible for retrieving your luggage from one motorcoach and placing it in the connecting vehicle. If you experienced any trouble with your baggage check our lost luggage page and find more information about it.

luggage bus trip

Overhead Compartment Dimensions for Carry-on Luggage

First Class: Due to overhead compartment dimensions, carry-on cannot exceed 8 and 1/2 inches in height and 17 inches in length to completely fit in the overhead compartment (22cm x 43cm).
Business Class: Due to overhead compartment dimensions, carry-on cannot exceed 8 and 3/4 inches in height and 15 inches in length to completely fit in overhead compartment (23cm x 38cm).
Economy Class: Due to overhead compartment dimensions, carry-on cannot exceed 7 and 1/2 inches in height and 15 inches in length to completely fit in overhead compartment (20cm x 38cm).

What type of luggage is allowed?

Loose items, such as grocery bags, do not qualify as check-in baggage. Personal items, such as medication or money, may not be checked in with your bags and must be carried with the passenger at all times. Electronic items such as audio players, mobile phones and laptops  should not be checked in.

SuitcasesAcids, ammunition, animals, combustible liquids or compressed gases
Duffle bagsCorpses or cremated remains
Strollers & car seatsExplosives, firearms, fireworks or flammable liquids
ToolboxesFurniture, merchandise for sale
TrunksHazardous materials, material with a disagreeable odor or matches
Securely wrapped card boxesIllicit drugs


daily services



Great customer service. The ride is fast, comfortable and clean.

Ariel Williams

Why travel with RedCoach?

Luxury travel at affordable prices


Unlike traditional motor coaches, we offer you extra legroom and the ability to recline up to 140 degrees. We also have 3 types of buses, first class with 27 seats, business class with 38 seats and Economy class with 56 seats.


You can connect to our free Wi-Fi on any of your electronic devices. You can also watch movies or work while charging your device on our plugs right next to your seat.


On RedCoach, your safety is our priority. That’s why we hire only the most qualified drivers and monitor every mile of your ride through an 8-camera feed and a top-of-the-line GPS tracking.


We only stop at Texas and Florida’s most popular destinations; making less stops gets you to your final destination just as fast as if you were driving. However, since you are not the one at the wheel, you are able to catch up on work (or naps) on your way to your destination.

Where to ride


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fort worth texas bus trip redcoach

Fort Worth

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San Marcos

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orlando ucf university florida

Orlando UCF

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richardson park destination florida bus trip


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